

Clay Township

Clay township in which Steamboat Rock would lie, comprises Congressional township 88 north, of range 19 west, of the 5th principal meridian.


Clay township was organized in October, 1855, and the first election was held in what would be Steamboat Rock. The first officers: Porter Estabrook, Samuel L. Higenbotham and Isaac Fail, Trustees; Samuel H. Rathbone, Town Clerk.


The first birth in Clay township was a son born to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Williamson, however it is also claimed that Mrs. Nicholas Rice gave birth first. Generally the Williamson’s son Philip has been considered the first.


The first deaths recorded in the township were those of S. A. Williamson’s wife and infant child (not the child mentioned above). They were buried on land that was owned by William Leverton.

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