
CENTENNIAL 1855-1955


There are other Clubs and Societies that have been an important part of Steamboat Rock. 


In 1908, a Social Hour Club was organized with 11 members with Mrs. Stella Carpenter as its first president. The club was strictly a social organization, but the group died out after a time. 


Seven years earlier in 1901 the Steamboat Rock Progress Club was organized by a small group of women for the purpose of study and sociability. 


The club met in the homes of the members every week on Saturday from October through May. They later changed their meeting day to Thursday afternoons, and met every other week. 


In 1951 the Progress Club celebrated a half century in operation.


In 1955, the club sponsored a centennial open house in the home of long time member Clella Finster. The two day open house featured the display of the antiques in her home. 


At one time the club took part in a city beautification program by urging all businesses on Market Street to plant flower boxes in front of their stores.


In 1958 members of the Progress Club, realized the need for a public library in the community. With donated books and funds, they first used the town hall as their building and members volunteered many hours of labor. The first library in Steamboat came into being. 


Today the Progress Club meets in the library instead of members homes. The club traditionally serves coffee and donuts or cookies on election day to encourage more people to visit the library. 


Although, never a money raising organization the Progress Club has promoted such events from time to time to help secure funds for various community groups. A style show, chicken suppers and white elephant sales for the library, a swiss steak supper to raise money for tennis courts at the school. These are but a few such events. 


The club won the second prize in a state wide Community Achievement Contest for its outstanding improvement work for 1958-1960. The $200 prize was donated to the library. 


The Progress Club is Steamboat Rock’s oldest organized club, and it’s longevity perhaps can be credited to the fact that it has never been a self-serving organization rather one that gives community service. 

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