


We are all acquainted with the circumstances that led the nation into the Civil War, 1861 to 1865. While there was a certain amount of division in every state and community, for the most part all in Hardin
county, were fully behind the Union. Hardin county furnished a full quota of soldiers, in the Civil War.

One half of all eligible men in Iowa enlisted to fight in the Union Army filling 46 regiments. 13001 Iowans died in the war.

The words of President Lincoln had scarcely been clicked across the telegraph wires, calling for the first seventy-five thousand men to put down the Rebellion, before the call was filled. Of course this was not nearly enough men to bring union between the slave and free states.

Hardin county even though her population was small, was neither slow nor reluctant to send her quota. There was no railroad or telegraph in the county yet so the first call for men was filled before word was
received here and the county could muster her soldiers as volunteers. The second and each succeeding call was met without delay.

Out of more than five hundred men who were credited to Hardin county, who either lived in the county or came here to volunteer their services to the Union, seventy-six laid down their lives for the Union and country.

It is interesting to note that of the wars in our history beginning with the Mexican War (actually fought prior to Steamboat Rock’s founding) and concluding with Desert Storm, More men from Steamboat Rock fought in the Civil War than any of the others including World War I and II. This is especially interesting
when we note that the Civil War began only six years after the town was platted. Of course some of these men came after the war. I at least had never realized that our town or state were such big participants the
this war.

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