


There was a call within the county for manufacturers, and woolen mills in 1878. In addition there was also a call for papermills and pork-packing establishments or factories of any kind.

Cheese and butter factories were being erected. It was noted that twelve flouring mills were running day and night on local demand and orders from outside the area.

Even earlier, in 1874, S.F. Lathrop had offered to furnish thirty cows to anyone 
that would start a cheese factory in Steamboat Rock. He also offered pasture for twice that many. Unfortunately there were no takers at the time.

Two foundries produced such high quality work that they could not fill their orders on time. There were nine wagon and carriage factories, in Hardin county with a total capital of nearly half a million dollars.

The coal mines were considered inexhaustible, producing five to six million bushels annually, of good quality, and a price from $2 to $3.50 per ton.

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