
CENTENNIAL 1855-1955


A new bridge was constructed over the Iowa River in 1999. The old bridge was closed for widening and strengthening purposes. It seemed to take for ever for the construction to be completed. It had been hoped that it would be complete before school closed in the spring, but that did not happen. There had many delays because of high water. The old river road became a detour for those living west of town. 


To celebrate the community held and ice cream social. Then on the new bridge a ribbon cutting was held to mark the event. 

The bridge replaced in 1999

The opening party for the new bridge in July of 1999

Approximately 200 area people attended the event. City Council members were on had to the cutting of the ribbon. They were Jeff Folkerts, Brian Burkle, Jeff Risius (mayor), Larry Havens, and Marvin Veld.